Monday, January 10, 2011

friends are a kind jerk..

friends is not only a word but a relationship..
friends are wonderful..bad..beautiful..annoying..amazing...
and sometimes such a jerk..
but whatever it is, friends is a gift for us..
find a way to feel that they are precious..
take the +ve, and throw out the -ve..
whatever they're look alike..
how's their attitude..
let it be..
because the important thing is "heart"..
prepare your forgiveness everytime they make a mistake..
sometimes we're juz like them..
and don't forget to always smile everytime we meet them
that's how we being a friend to our friends..

Sunday, January 9, 2011


so subjective
some people know about it and some people don't..
it's born by itself
it's grow by an experiences and actions
you can't see it but you can feel it
sometimes it can be a great word and sometimes it can be a shit
this people love it and that people hate it
ideas are flowing everywhere
and some people think
it's better to never know about it at all..